0 +
0 + billion drams
Supported children
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of operation
0 years

Success Stories

The child has been diagnosed with high-risk neuroblastoma. As a result of a public fundraising campaign organized for treatment, 105,263,296 drams have been collected. The child has undergone surgery in Barcelona and is now receiving the necessary treatment.

The child has been diagnosed with acute myeloblastic leukemia. As a result of a public fundraising campaign organized for treatment, 40,033,628 drams have been collected. The child has undergone surgery in Saints Petersburg, received necessary treatment and returned to Armenia.

The establishment of the “Karina” Hereditary Cancer Predisposition Clinic aimed at contributing to the early detection, prevention, and effective treatment of cancer among children in Armenia.

Our Supporters and Partners

Frequently Asked Questions

The scope of Fund’s support (the list of diseases):

  • childhood cancer or blood problems (in all cases when the child’s treatment must be carried out in foreign medical institutions)
  • kidney or liver transplant
  • chronic respiratory problems
  • immune system disorders
  • severe neurological problems: encephalitis (autoimmune)
  • visceral leishmaniasis
  • aplastic anemia
  • immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP)
  • other life threatening diseases

You can apply to the Fund by writing a letter to our email address –   or through the Fund’s social media pages.

If the child’s case falls within the scope of our Fund’s support, it is necessary to send all medical documents related to the child’s illness to Our medical council will review the case, and we will inform you about the possibility of support in a response letter. If support is approved, further steps will be discussed with the parents/legal guardians.

The provision of support depends on the complexity of the case, the availability of necessary interventions, the amount of funds required, and other factors. The review and decision on support or rejection of each case typically takes 2-3 days. In extremely urgent cases, decisions are made within hours.

The Fund may reject an application for support if:

  1. The child’s illness does not fall within the Fund’s scope of support
    Necessary and sufficient medical documents related to the illness are not presented
  2.  The treatment is available in Armenia, but the parents wish to have it performed abroad
  3.  The medical council rejects the application for support for other justified reasons

The main partner hospitals of the Fund are:

  1.  “Yolyan” Hematology and Oncology Center
  2.  “Saint Astvatsamayr” Medical Center
  3.  “Muratsan” Hospital Complex
  4.  “Arabkir” Medical Complex
  5.  “Wigmore Women’s and Children’s Hospital” Medical Center

In cases requiring large sums for treatment, the Fund organizes public fundraisers. The Fund also attracts resources from various commercial, non-commercial, and international organizations, individuals, and others.

Anyone or any organization can support the Fund by making a one-time or monthly donation through our website, becoming a monthly donor. Donations can also be made by transferring money to the Fund’s bank account. Click here for more information.